Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Hump Day!!

Hey everyone!

You have made it this far in the week, the weekend is almost here.

How have your workouts been going this week? Don't lie to yourself.

Let's do a treadmill workout today:
Put the treadmill at 2.7 mph for one minute and walk
Bring the speed down to 1.0 mph and do walking lunges
Go back up to 2.7 mph for one minute walk
And go back to a minute of walking lunges

Now stop the treadmill and put your hands on the front of the treadmill and push it by moving your legs on the treadmill for a minute
Stand back up and jog at 3.4 mph for one minute
Do the dead stop workout again
and back to a jog for another minute

THEN, do it all one more time.


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