Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cycle Training For Thursday!

Ever been to a cycle class? Well luckily you are reading your workout from a certified cycle intructor that just taught 3 cycle classes today. So I am kind of on a high right now.

Let's focus on you doing intervals today:
Get some good rock out music on
Focus on sprinting every 30 seconds for one song

Then focus on getting up and standing then sitting alternating these two every 30 seconds for the next song

Then, stay satdning and get the resisitance as high as you can and climb for the next song.

Repeat this routine til you reach 45 minutes then make sure you stretch and get a good shower after.

Til next time, yours in fitness. XOXOX

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Hump Day!!

Hey everyone!

You have made it this far in the week, the weekend is almost here.

How have your workouts been going this week? Don't lie to yourself.

Let's do a treadmill workout today:
Put the treadmill at 2.7 mph for one minute and walk
Bring the speed down to 1.0 mph and do walking lunges
Go back up to 2.7 mph for one minute walk
And go back to a minute of walking lunges

Now stop the treadmill and put your hands on the front of the treadmill and push it by moving your legs on the treadmill for a minute
Stand back up and jog at 3.4 mph for one minute
Do the dead stop workout again
and back to a jog for another minute

THEN, do it all one more time.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Turkey Day is around the Corner!!!!

Thanksgiving day is right around the corner!!!

The average American consumes 3500 calories in the turkey dinner in itself. That is ONE POUND OF FAT!!!!!!

So let's get a jump start on your workout to prep for the big meal:
1. Do burpees for one minute
2. Do standard plank for one minute
3. Do burpees for another 2 minutes
4. Do standard plank for another 2 minutes
5. Do deep deep lunges for a minute

You aren't finished yet.........
6. Do jump squats forone minute
7. Do prisoner squats for one minute
8. Do jumping jacks for two minutes
9. Do jump suqats for another minute
10. Do tuck jumps for the final minute

Good luck and check in soon. ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Case of the Mondays

People usually view Mondays as a horrible day because it is the end of the weekend and the start of a new week.

Let's start a brand new approach and have an amazing workout today to start your week out on a good foot.

Give me 20 minutes of intervals on either the treadmill or eliptical machine:
        ~1 minute walk
        ~1 minute sprint as fast as you can
        ~1 minute walk
        ~1 minute sprint
*You can see where this is going ;)*

Then after you get off that piece of cardio equipment go ahead and follow the below template:
20 jump squats
20 pushups
20 burpees
20 crunches
20 jumping jacks
20 legups

30 of each, 40 of each, and 50 of each. Exhausted yet?

I don't care if you need to take mini break during them but you WILL give me 50 of each exercise by the end of today's workout.

Now go work for it and make it happen!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello Everyone- Fitness Challenge #1

So you think you got what it takes, do ya?

Ok show me: today I know it is Sunday but get off that couch. It is a gorgeous day out side!!! 

You are going to go for a "walk" around your block twice, easy enough right? WRONG

1) One corner to the next you will do walking lunges
2) Jog to the next corner 
3) Side Shuffle squats (shuffle and get your butt as low to the ground as possible) to the next corner
4) Spring to the next corner, and do it all again!!!!!!!!